Suede breaker cornhole bags

First Impressions of Suede Breaker Bags

Suede Breaker by Rusty Bags Cornhole

Let me explain what a First Impressions post is all about. It is exactly that, the first impressions of the person that gets the product. This is NOT a review of products. It’s more of a description of the characteristics to help you make the best decisions when purchasing.

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First thoughts when you take it out of the box:

Let me start with my thoughts before I got the Suede Breaker bags, I thought they were going to be just like a GameChanger but with a round patch. After I got them I don’t really think that is the case here, IMO. They are similar in looks, but in my opinion, that is where the similarities end. Which is actually a good thing. Each bag should have it’s own identity

Overall appearance of the bag:

The bags look nice, the stitching is good, round corners and the patch takes up about half of the back. 1 thing I didn’t care for was where the patch stitching ends, right on the side. In my opinion, end it pointing to the top stitching. Not many people hold the bag by the top stitching.

Suede breaker cornhole bags patch

How does it feel in your hand, soft/hard, thick/thin, loose/tight, heavy/light, etc

The overall Suede Breaker bag and material, right out of the box, feels thick and tight. Definitely going to need a break in period with these bags. If I had to compare them to another bag, as far as feel in hand, I would have to say All-Slides, although an All-Slides bag does come loose and ready to play. And please let me note, I have not tried every bag out there so I might be off base on this one.

Weight and size of the bags?

Weighed each bags and they are all a consistent 15.8 oz and the bag size is approx 5.75” square

Suede breaker cornhole bags weight
Suede breaker cornhole bags size

Some Final Thoughts:

I did get the opportunity to throw the suede breaker bags and even had some other people toss them. Hard for me to give an honest answer here because I am not a fan of the GameChanger bags to begin with. Why did I buy these? Because they peaked my interested when I saw how similar they were to the “patented” GC bags, so like a true Addict, I had to have them. 

My recommendation if you are looking for the GameChanger bag is to go with the original bag made by AllCornhole. But if you are like many out there and have the need to buy the newest bags, then add the Suede Breakers to your list.

When you come across a bag that is similar to another, such as these or Vipers to GC, you already have an expectation as to how the bags should play. Right out of the box, GC bags play like  a broken in bag. These on the other hand, do not play like a GC, right away and in this day with so many bags being game ready out of the box, who has time to break in bags.

So, again, don’t take my opinion of the bags as bad, I just didn’t put the time and effort in to get the bags to play at their peak state.

Have you tried the bags? What do you think?

Would love to get some others reactions of these bags. Leave us a comment below and tell us, and everyone, what you like or dislike about them. While we welcome negative comments just as much as positive, don’t bash the bags or maker. Every bag maker is trying to do their best to get a foot in the game. Bashing comments will be deleted.


After I released the article, I spoke with Gary from Rusty Bag Cornhole and he told me this little secret to get the bags loose without having to break them in first.
First, put 4 bags or 8 bags in the bottom of your washing machine and put your clothes top of it. Add a half cup of soap then wash. Next, put the clothes and bags in the dryer with fabric softener for 10 to 15 min or leave out to dry on the table or counter. Now the bags should be nice and soft and ready for their date with the hole. I hope you enjoy our Suede Breaker bags. Thank you.

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