Perfect throw

Find Your Perfect Cornhole Throw

If you haven’t really figured out what the perfect cornhole throw for you is, here are some throws to try. Everyone is going to find one that works best for them. But if you don’t try them all for a throw or two, you might be missing out on your perfect fit. They all have their unique advantages. Some are affected more or less by wind. Some of the folds are dependent on the bags being made with the right amount of fill. In the end, it’s just going to come down to what feels right and works best for you. Take a look at the list below and give them a try.

Types of Cornhole Throws

The Basic Fold
This seems to be the most popular throw when using corn-filled Cornhole bags. Basically you flatten the bag out in your hand. Then you just fold the bag right in half with an even amount of fill in each half.

The Double Fold
With this fold, you hold the bag by one corner. Next you fold the corner without any fill over the corner holding all of the fill. Then you fold the bag in half with the other two corners.

The Flat Bag
With this throw the bag is flattened completely. It can then be thrown under hand while resting flat on your hand. This is the most popular way to throw among Cornhole enthusiasts and professionals. The Flat Bag makes the bag spin like a Frisbee towards the hole while keeping it as flat as possible. This is the most consistent throw since you can pretty much determine exactly where the bag will land on the board. The Flat Bag is probably the only only throw that can help you push a bag in the hole. Check this link for helpful tips on learning how to throw the Flat Bag

The Sling
To throw the Sling, you hold the bag by one corner with you’re index finger and thumb. You then sling (as the name suggests) the bag to the hole giving the bag backspin.

The Fling
This throw is similar to The Sling. However, you hold this bag by one edge rather than a corner. You then pitch the bag underhand giving the bag backspin.

The Overhead
This is the only overhead throw on the list. You could mix one of the above folds with this method. However, generally the bag is just held in a ball and sort of shot towards the hole. I will add that this is probably the least consistent throw that I have seen, although it does work for some. In my years of playing cornhole, I have never seen anyone doing this throw.

All in all, the most consistent throw to get the most cornholes is the Flat Throw. It is one of the hardest throws to master but if you want to take your game to the next level, the Flat Bag is a must!

When you are ready to take your game to the next level and compete or take it to the highest level of becoming a professional cornhole player, there is only one organization to look to, The American Cornhole League. Much like Cornhole Addicts being a leader in bringing you the best How-To’s techniques and information, the ACL is the leader when it comes to playing cornhole! If you would like to know more about the ACL, either head to their website or contact us and we will do our best to answer all your questions.

And be sure to check out all of our other How-To articles and videos to help you improve your game

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