Cornhole Bag Backpacks

Carrying bags for cornhole bags backpacks

Cornhole Bag Backpacks and Zuca Carts



Zuca Carts

Zuca Carts

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Cornhole bag backpacks are a great way to bring your cornhole bags other stuff where ever you go. It is recommended that you bring multiple sets of bags to a tournament since weather conditions and board speeds play a factor in how a bag moves. In humid sticky conditions, your slower bag may not even make it to the hole and other times, the boards may play too fast causing bags to slide off the board. Another very important reason to consider, if the tournament is seeded and you step up against a higher seeded team throwing the same color bags, they can ask you to get different bags.

Now that we discussed why you would want to bring more sets of bags with you, even though you can only throw 1 set at a time, LOL, let us help you get those multiple sets there without breaking your back. We offer a couple great options from a regular backpack to a Battle Bag which can hold up to 8 set!. They all have their own advantages so it really depends on you and what you are looking to invest in a cornhole bag backpack.

If you are looking for new cornhole bags to fill your cornhole bag backpacks and get them to all tournaments and ACL events, we have the largest selection!

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