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2023/24 Team Addicts Players

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Cornhole Addicts Sponsorship for Team Addicts

Everyday we get a handful of messages asking how to get a sponsorship to join Team Addicts so hopefully this will answer the questions.

Cornhole Addicts focus is to support those that support us. We do not only sponsor the professional players but also non-professional players in all levels of the game. Without the non-pros, the game of cornhole would not survive.

What is sponsorship?

Before we get into the “how to get sponsored”, let’s talk about what player sponsorship is. It is not all about us giving you free stuff, we need to get a return on our investment. Sponsorship needs to be a two-way street. It is a partnership between a company and a player and it has to add mutual value for both parties involved.

Before you ask for a player sponsorship, ask yourself this, what value am I going to bring to that company?

A while back we wrote a very good article which talks about your responsibility as a sponsored player. We suggest you go check that out so you know exactly what you are getting into before asking. It is a huge commitment for you. After we make a deal and you agree, our job is done but your job has just started and doesn’t end until the terms set in the contract.

What do we gain from sponsorship?

We are seeking Team Addicts players that are going to get our brand maximum exposure on a nationwide level. So if you’re a player and you only stay in your local area playing tournaments and blind draws then that really doesn’t offer any benefit for us. It’s hard to offer that person cash and apparel when it’s only going to be seen by the same eyes each week.

But, if you’re a player that likes to travel and loves to compete in big tournaments then you are the type of player we are looking for to represent our brand. Whether it is a player sponsorship deal or a brand ambassador, both are just as important and a brand ambassador today could be a sponsored player tomorrow.

How do I get a sponsorship?

As we stated earlier in our mission statement, we support those that support us. Which means, we are more likely to support a player that already purchased some apparel and has been winning and wearing it and tagging us! If a spot opens up, we are going to seek that person first over the guy who just heard of us from a buddy. BUT, that doesn’t mean we can sponsor every Addict out there. After all, we are in business to make money and our budget is only so big.

If after reading everything you feel you are a perfect fit for our brand, fill out our application.
Application for Sponsorship Consideration
(Sorry, we are not accepting applications at this time)

While Team Addicts sponsorship is important, working together with leagues and other companies will increase both of our chances of success. Leagues are super important in this growth and require amazing people to run them. Some of the best players in the game today came from good leagues that helped mold them in the great players they are. Be sure to let your league/tournament directors how much you appreciate all their hard work and time.

Here is a piece of advice I give to every new player: pick a brand that you want to get behind and rep the heck out of them. Do it because you love what they stand for, not because you are looking for something in return. Buy a jersey, hat, t-shirt or whatever and wear it all the time. Tag the company in all your social media posts and become a member of the Addicts Family first. But, do it because you believe in the brand. Because we are not offering a guarantee of sponsorship at all, just giving you the tools to have a better chance.

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