Justin Burton Jr
Most Memorable Moment: Beating Fisher Hamilton at worlds
Nickname: JBJ
ACL Pro since: 2022
Bag Sponsor: BG Cornhole Bags
Hometown: Galena Park , TX
I am ACL Pro Justin Burton from the Southwest Conference. I started in the backyard at a family get-together then joined a league with my dad.
Accomplishments: 2nd overall open singles in Kansas City Open, and Mesa Open. 2nd overall advanced singles at worlds. 3rd in bracket in open singles at Upland California open, and Louisville Open. 2nd in bracket in open doubles in West Virginia open and Mesa open. 2nd in bracket at Spencer Mackenzie’s. 3rd in bracket in advanced doubles at worlds. Ranked tied for 18th in open standings, 1st in Texas, and 3rd in conference last season. Drafted first round of ACL Teams Draft.
PPR 9.76 |
4Bag% 36.53 |
DPR 0.26 |
RdsWon% 38.98 |