Run N Gun cornhole bags by Nature Coast Tailgating

First Impressions of Run N Gun Series Cornhole Bags

Run N Gun Series Cornhole Bags by Nature Coast Tailgating

This is a First Impressions look at the Run N Gun series cornhole bags from Nature Coast Tailgating. These bags are ACL and ESPN Approved for this season. Owner, Brandon, is very easy to work with and accommodating. He has the ability to print whatever, and I mean whatever you want on a bag. If you can dream it, he can print it. 

Out of Box Thoughts:

First thoughts when you take it out of the box.
As I first took the bags out of the packaging, I was not surprised at the design because I knew what I was getting since he already made me an identical set of mini bags. 

Regular sized Run N Gun Series cornhole bags along side mini bags
Regular sized cornhole bags along side mini bags

Overall appearance of the bag, round or square corners, stitching color, logo color, etc?
These bags have rounded corners, they appear to be stitched very well and I love that the thread color of the final stitching matches the bags color so you hardly know it’s there. There is no separation in the material when you pull them apart at the seams and the artwork is sublimated into the fabric. These are nicely made and well thought out bags!

How does it feel in your hand, soft/hard, thick/thin, loose/tight, heavy/light, etc
Right out of the box, the Run N Gun series bags feel loose but not sloppy, loose in the way that they will hardly need a break in period. Which in this day, is a good thing. I mean who has time to break in bags?

Compare in size to another bag. Don’t be opinionated about it. Just like hey these feel like a slide rite for size or something like that.
Comparing the Run N Gun series to another bag is hard since I have not tried all the bags out there. At first I thought the bags reminded me of a Slide-Rite but after throwing them I feel differently. Myself and a couple others feel these bags play more like a Mutha Shucker 248. We will go into more detail below in the Bag Performance section.

Weight consistency?
I weighed each bag and they were all a consistent weight of 15.8 oz or 448 grams.

Weight of each Run n Gun cornhole bag

Bag Performance:

How did these bags play? Right out of the box the bags feel great. There is no break in time for these bags to dominate on the boards. For me, these bags play and fit right into my playing style. I am a block, airmail, airmail push type of player (when I am in my zone).

I mostly throw my bags on the stick side. What I found with these was if I was shooting for the hole, the stick side had no problem getting there. If I was throwing a blocker, it was a solid bag that was very hard to push by the other bags it faced. Except, I had no problem pushing it with my own bag on both the slick and stick side.

Now, the slick side is just that. For me, it’s a super fast bag. I never throw bags on the fast side unless I am pushing. What I did notice about the bag when on the slick side, it would seek the hole much like a GameChanger on the lightning side. For brand new bags, we made some sick pushes last night.

As I mentioned before, I like to airmail and I need a bag that feels great in the hand to do so. For me, these are exactly that bag! The other thing to point out, how many times do you throw a sticky side airmail and if you are just a bit long the bag tends to fly off the back. Not these! When throwing a low line shot, shooting for the hole, the stick side has enough juice to get to the hole but when throwing an airmail, a high arc throw, if you miss the hole, the stick side hits the board and stops. Resulting in more points for you.

Run N Gun cornhole bags win blind draws

First time throwing these bags, took 1st place in 2 blind draws the same night!

Final Thoughts:

Please keep in mind, this is not a review of the bags but my first impressions. It is important to us that we give you the best, most detailed information about a bag so that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not this bag fits your playing style.

Nature Coast Tailgating is a new company trying to make their way into the tough market of cornhole bags. Their prices and bag series are right in line with other bag manufactures and they are willing to custom print the bags with your logo and artwork. As I mentioned before, if you can dream it, they can print it. 

Even the big bag makers started from the bottom and just needed someone to believe in them to get where they are today. Give the Run N Gun series by NCT a shot and I guarantee you will be pleased with the bags as well as the outstanding customer service and attention to detail Brandon gives. He answers all your questions quickly via FB Messenger and he makes and ships the bags in a timely manner. I, David at Cornhole Addicts, highly recommend these bags.

Stop over paying for a bag that you think is going to “change your game” and start buying bags that fit your style of throwing. 

Be sure to check out our full line of cornhole bags and follow us on FB

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