Choosing the best cornhole bag for me
Choosing the best cornhole bag is harder than you think. It’s not as easy as just using the same bag your friend throws or one that the Pros use. You need to find a bag that fits your throw style.
As you may already know, there are tons of cornhole bag options out there. Many different manufacturers and each one has multiple designs and styles. And when you read the descriptions, they all say “this is the bag for you”. But is it really the one bag for you? How can they all be perfect for everyone? They can’t, so let’s try to find one that is best for you.
Anatomy of a cornhole bag
Let’s talk about the anatomy of a cornhole bag first. It’s size, weight, thickness, shape, rounded or square corners, what’s inside, etc. So much work goes into creating each bag and although many of them look the same, they are far from it. The American Cornhole League (ACL) regulates cornhole bags that they must be 6”x6” and weight in the range of 15.5 – 16 oz. The ACL also doesn’t allow any fill besides plastic resin pellets.
With so many bags on the market today, can they really be different? Of course they can since they can all vary from the different fabrics, filling, rounded to square corners and seams. But this makes choosing the best cornhole bag even more difficult. The most affordable double sided bags normally are a premium duck cloth on one side and suede on the other. This provides the player with the option of throwing the “slick” (duck cloth) or “stick” (suede) side down.
But it doesn’t stop there. Slide materials vary as much as your choice for a new sedan. Synthetic materials provide a more weather resistant bag to a certain point. The choices right now are unlimited, whereas 3 years ago it was corn or resin filled and “stick side” or no “stick side”.
What’s inside the bags?
All bag manufacturers use the resin pellets because they are a great all-weather fill and don’t leave a residue on the boards. Resin also comes in different sizes and textures to further add to the feel of the bag. The resin pellets will not breakdown over time and will give the user a consistent throwing experience every time you use the bags.
And the best part of resin? You can wash the bags when you play in that rain or shine event. Or that one time your brother in law missed the board by 10 feet and put it in the pool. With corn filled bags however, get them wet and they are done. Don’t forget those little rodents love corn.
With the corners and seams of the bags, we really don’t have a preference as to which is better and why but most advanced players prefer rounded corners with no seam on the outside.
The perfect cornhole bag for you
So, let’s get back to the topic of finding the perfect cornhole bag for you! Only way to find that out is, unfortunately, to throw them all. What? I can’t possibly buy every bag on the market, my wife will kill me. Yea, we know. Been there, dealt with it. “You bought another set of bags? How many cornhole bags does one need?” And our response, how many pairs of shoes does one need, LOL.
But seriously, grab that new set your friend just bought and throw his bags. See if you like them. Or, the next time you go to a tournament, look around. I bet there are 40+ different types of bags there. Ask people what they like and dislike about their bags. Don’t be afraid to ask to throw them. And there is an ACL rule that you can request to test your opponents bags before the match. As long as you are not malicious with your intention, I’m sure not many will say no. Its cornhole and we are all addicted to this game.
The perfect cornhole bag will feel “right” in your hand. It will fit your throwing style and do what you want. With so many choices, your perfect bag is out there. But don’t limit yourself to just 1. Find that one go-to-bag and keep it close by but have a variety of bags in your arsenal. Bags that adapt to the weather conditions, board conditions or any other condition you may encounter.
Suggested Cornhole Bags to start with
If you are looking for a bag to start with, I recommend checking out some of the slower bag. They will help you find and stay on the board while you are learning the range. Check out Addiction or Turtle by Cornhole Addicts. These are slower bags and great options for beginners.
You can also head over to this page, Cornhole Bag Recommendations and take a short quiz that will spit out some bags to try based on your answers. Just don’t be afraid to ask people about their bags. You will more than likely strike up a conversation and maybe a friendship. I heard Dickey got to throw ACL Pro Brandon Corwin’s Reynolds bags in Valley Forge.
Some great cornhole bags to start with
Check out our selection of cornhole bags.
Do you play cornhole with 3 or 4 bags?
The game of cornhole is played with 4 bags per person or team
What bags do pro cornhole use?
Competitive cornhole players use double sided bags, just like the ones we sell on this website