One of the most asks questions when talking about a carrying bag or rolling cart is “how many sets does it hold?”. While there are many choices of duffle bags, backpacks and rolling bags, we want to give you as much info as possible to help you pick the right one. I guess the one question that needs to be answered before we can move forward is, how many bags do you really need to bring to a tournament? Note: when we talk about sets of bags, we are referring to 4 cornhole bags per set.
If you are anything like me you probably own many sets of cornhole bags. In fact, the average cornhole player has a minimum of 8 different sets of cornhole bags. But how many sets do you actually need inside your carrying bag to bring to a tournament and how many do you take out and use?
It is recommended to always bring 1 extra set of your “go-to” bag in a different color just in case you need to change bags due to facing a higher seed player or team at the boards. And, it is recommended to bring another 2 sets of different bags just in case the boards play different due to the weather or room conditions. So, all you really need to put is 4 sets of 4 bags or 16 total in your carrying bag. That should be plenty for a single day tournament. If you are going to a 3 day or 7 day long event, you may want to bring another 1 or 2 sets, just in case.
But, what we are finding more often lately is people looking to tote their entire collection from event to event. Kind of like if you went on vacation to an island with average daily temps in the 90’s, are you bringing a winter jacket just in case?…. NO, so why do you need to pack your carrying bag full of those other sets of bags that you have not thrown since you started playing cornhole.
Lets be honest, when you went to that big ACL Regional last weekend, how many sets of bags did you bring in your carrying bag and, more importantly, how many sets did you take out and actually throw during game play? I bet you brought 6-8 sets and pulled the same 1 set out that you always use, your GO-TO bag. So, why do we need to wheel or carrying so many bags when we only use the 1 set?
Wheeled Carts
One company on the tongue of many cornhole players lately is Zuca. They offer a different solution to the carrying bag, a wheeled cart, kind of like a suitcase for your bags. And while it does have tons of space for many sets of bags, two of it’s best features is the built in seat and the Pro model is TSA Approved. But, this is far from a cheap option to get your 10+ sets of bags to the next tournament. By the time you buy the Pro cart, seat cushion (yea, that’s extra), and pouches to keep your bags organizers and protected, you are looking at a price tag around $415.
One downside I have experienced with the wheeled bag option is that you now only have 1 free hand. Which may not be an issue but what if you have a drink or are on a phone call, it becomes a hassle to do the smallest task like open a door. Sometimes a wheeled cart can just be awkward. And while you do not need to carry the Zuca, as heavy as it can be, you still need to lift it in and out of your vehicle.
Carrying Bag Backpacks
There are many different backpacks that can be used as carrying bags available today. A regular backpack that we sell for $50, works just fine and can hold 4 sets easily, possibly more, and still be very comfortable. Heck, ever see how many books and stuff kids pack inside? Plus there is room inside for other things and side pouches for a water bottle and tripod.
There are also backpacks that are designed for carrying bags and most of them are covered in velcro which allow you to add patches to customize. The Battle Bag by Gladiator has 4 individual sections to hold 4 sets of bags but this one can fit up to 8 sets. Again, not that you have a need to bring that many but at least you have the option. The Battle Bag is $109.99 and comes with a Lifetime Warranty. Another backpack we offer is by CornholeAce and costs $55. It has velcro front for patches and can hold 6 sets.
Which carrying bag is perfect for you?
We have given you all the info and prices for you to choose the best carrying bag for you. If you prefer to bring your entire collection of bags, for whatever reason, then the wheeled cart might be your best option but if you were like me and constantly take the same 4 bags out of your carrying bag, then it’s hard to justify spending $400 a cornhole bag suitcase with built in seat. I switched from the Zuca back to my Battle Bag which holds more than enough cornhole bags plus everything else I need. And has tons of space for patches,
Please do not take this article as us steering you in either direction, we just want you make the best choice which could save you money. We do sell options for all products discussed and will happily sell you the $400 Zuca carrying bag cart, after all, we were the very first Zuca wholesaler for the cornhole carts.
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