So here I sit on a Sunday night after the Fourth of July weekend, pondering the times with the family and the cornhole matches broadcast on ESPN. To quote Trey Ryder, “Oh my word” is a complete understatement. What I saw on ESPN today was mind blowing. I was all gun ho about doing a 2 week experiment where I practice each night for at least 1 hour and see my DEKA round progress. Currently after what I saw on ESPN, I don’t want to play anymore, LOL! Not because I don’t like the game but what can you do to win at the highest level?
The Pro Invitational. We saw the top pros playing for big money Jamie Graham and Frank Modlin outlasted Dalton McKlem and Kyle Malone in game one. Greg Geary and Jimmy McGuffin took advantage of mistakes by Brad Powers and Matthew Morton to advance. Joran Camba and James “I’m not gonna miss today” Baldwin took the win over Bob Vonch and Danny Seals. Trey Burchfield and Derrick King win in dramatic fashion over Jay Rubin and Lester Price (must see match). And in the finals James Baldwin decides the only bag he is going to miss is because there is only 5% of the hole open. While yelling at Camba to just put it on the board, the crowd goes crazy. Granted there was a limited crowd due to regulations, but damn 38 of 40 bags across two games for James Baldwin. Definitely a statement by Baldwin. Just when you thought we all lost faith in his ability to be a top pro, he does the unthinkable. Awesome performance. And that was just Saturday.
Pro Doubles on Sunday had Greg Geary and Jimmy McGuffin outlasting Ryan Windsor and Isidro Herrera in a great match. Next up was Dalton McKlem and Kyle Malone coming back from an early deficit to win against Eric Anderson and Chad Braun. Then following an epic Singles match, Dalton McKlem and Kyle Malone take home the title of Pro Doubles at the Final Chase. So, the two National Pro Doubles events they played this year, they won. Great showing by all.
The Noah Wooten vs Jamie Graham singles match was insane. I got to a point where I yelled at the wife, dog, kids, and parrot to shut up and leave the room. It was intense. 20 minutes of play and 2 points? Unconscious bag control, on command airmails, and please someone message me on how to do the roll over on purpose. Not the Brower accidental bag, but the consistent roll over/flop shot. Like I’ve attempted it against my 9-year-old, but on ESPN for a Singles title on command, “Oh… my….. Word” was said a lot. Maybe if you order Reynolds Bags and ask for Ryan Windsor’s name on them you get the roll over built in.
Noah started out hot, blocker then rollover. Jamie would push and his bag would go left or right. Then Noah would throw a 150mph push shot and take points. Noah was leading big time, figure time to check out. Wrong. Jamie Graham just never gives up, he credits the change in his momentum to a top player was a match he was down 20-0 during an ACO event and came back to win against a very good player. The video is out there, I don’t want to make the player who lost feel any worse.
This was the most intense match I have ever seen in my life. Jamie has to throw an airmail with the score like 12-12 due to Noah’s rollover position bag. Just absolutely insane. The whole match was insane. If you missed it, please try and find the replay or subscribe to the ACLDN. This match is worth the $50 yearly fee alone.
On the Women’s Side Samantha Finley and Christine Papcke outlasted Courtney Coy and Allison Heine. This was not aired due to a conflict on ESPN with the TBT basketball broadcast. It will be shared this week according to the ACL Facebook posts. I watched someone’s live feed of the game, thank you Seto.
Back to the article I wrote earlier in the week about exposing yourself that got no love. I told you how to promote yourself easily with a free, yes free, online profile. You get free exposure for yourself and your sponsors.
Don’t believe me yet? Google Noah Wooten Cornhole, what do you see? An outdated article with a bio. Granted that was before anyone outside of Georgia or Florida knew who he was. And if you look, damn there is a lot of good players no one knew about at that time.
Now Google search Dalton McKlem Cornhole or Kyle Malone Cornhole, what’s the first search result? I’ll hold on while you wait. Yup, I told you so the other day, but you didn’t read the article.
PJ Sarro is on NBCSN right now for the All Forces USA Cornhole event, Google search him. Impressed yet?
Guess what, it’s free for pros.
We are debating a profile for those who aren’t a pro status, stay tuned if you want to create a profile to tell your parents look at me, you thought I wouldn’t amount to anything. I’m not making any promises on this, but maybe we charge for it
We at Cornhole Addicts wish you all the best ending this Fourth of July weekend. If you want to be the best, you are going to need to practice more. And when you get to that pro status, please fill out a profile on Cornhole Addicts.