First Impressions of the Showtime series cornhole bag

First Impressions of Showtime Cornhole Bags

Showtime series cornhole bags

Today we have the privilege of checking out the Showtime series of cornhole bags by Lucky Bags.  The Showtime series feels really great right out of the box. It is a fast and faster type bag which is not good for those who like to set a blocker. This bag can be compared to an All-Slide. It measures approx 5 ¾ which for me is great because I like bags on the smaller side. And weighs in at 15.6 oz per bag.  I can feel that it is filled with smaller beads and the bag itself is filled about ¾ of the way giving it that loose, forgiving around the hole, feel. 

Showtime series cornhole bag weight

The materials on each side of the bag are both a polyester type but different. One side is a soft polyester material which gives you some control on the board while the other side has a faster polyester which is great for pushing those blocker bags out of the way.

Characteristics of the Showtime series

Overall, the bag fits the standard characteristics we see in most other bags such as rounded corners, nice tight stitching around the seams and nice vibrant printing of the logo and artwork. But this bad has some differences as well. Most of the other bags we have checked out have the closing stitch at the top of the bag whereas this bag maker chooses to put it at the bottom of the bag. I do not think that makes any different, just pointing out the differences. And the other thing we noticed, which is something I really like, the stitching thread is the same color of the bag. It’s a nice little attention-to-detail touch!

Testimonial of the Showtime cornhole bags

Todd G “It’s a real floppy bag once broken in. If they get close to the hole they normally go in.”

Click here to purchase these Showtime Cornhole Bag. These bags are in the process of becoming ACL approved for the 2020/21 season

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