
First Impressions of The Pro Z Bags

Pro Z Bags

Today we are looking at the Cyclone, Fusion, Smooth and Clutch cornhole bags. These are only some of the Pro Z Bag series. They have around 7 different bags in their arsenal and all of the ones we looked at are ACL Approved for the 2019/20 season.
For these bags. the order of slowest to fastest bags are Cyclone, Clutch, Smooth and Fusion.

Out of Box Thoughts

First thoughts

Honestly, when I first opened the box, it looked like 4 sets of cornhole bags, LOL. The bags and logo are plain but, in this case, simple works and it doesn’t affect the play of the bag. When I took the bags out of the box I was pleasantly surprised at how nice and “broken in” they feel. No washing or special instructions needed to get these bags ready for a tournament! Couple throws during practice and you are ready to kill it. Seriously, who has time to break in bags?

Overall appearance of the bag

Out of all 4 of the bags we looked at, 3 of them sport the big Z logo while the Cyclone has just that, a cyclone logo on front. The Cyclone and Smooth have rounded corners while the Clutch and Fusion’s corners are more square. When we pulled apart the fabric at the seems there was no movement. All the bags are stitched well on all sides with a nice tight top closure stitching. I have seen some bag leave kind of like a flap of material at the top after the final stitching, these are not that way.

How do they compare to the competition

Pro Z Cyclone bagsThe Cyclone is a traditional stick and slick with a medium slide and stick which reminds me of a Slide-Rite bag but with rounded corners. This bag is not too fast but consistent in all weather conditions.The Cyclone series feels great, is ready to play out of the box and weighs in at an even 16 oz or 454 grams. 

Pro Z Clutch bagsThe Clutch is the slowest of the dual slide bags I checked out. One side is a medium slide which is a tad slower than that of the Cyclone and it’s matched with a slower slide. The Clutch bags weigh in at 15.8 oz or 447 grams, comparable to the Smooth series.

Pro Z Smooth BagsThe Smooth series is the middle of the road of the dual slide side bags. It reminds me and feels like a Reynolds bag. It’s a medium and mild dual slide bag which is also ready to dominate right out of the box. This bag weighs in at 15.8 oz or 449 grams.

Pro Z Fusion bagsThe Fusion bag is the speedster in this bunch. I would probably have to compare this bag to an All-Slide. Its a medium and fast dual sided bag. The medium side is allows for a nice controlled shot while the fast side gives you a great push. This bag weighs a consistent 15.9 oz or 449 grams and like the others is ready to go!

Try something different

Everyone is so focused on getting their hands on the next big bag that they think is going to “change their game”. One minute it’s the GameChanger then the Viper then whatever. Some are even willing to overpay hundreds for 4 bags because they think the bag will make them play like a Pro. There is no magical bag that is going to make you a better player. Work on your game, your focus, get your throw straight and practice, practice, practice and you will get better. 

Be sure to check out our full line of cornhole bags

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